Thinker's Thoughts...

After a year-long hiatus, I've decided to bring this thing back to life. I'm looking for a few people who might be interested in contributing so that we can get a few different viewpoints on similar issues. On rare occasions people actually find a side to an issue even I haven't thought about! Anyone interested can feel free to shoot me an email and I'll set you up as a contributor.

Friday, March 24, 2006


Now, I know we have a problem with illegal immigration in this country. That's not news, but the new bill proposed by Frist is just a wee bit extreme. What's the sense in making an illegal a felon? That could potentially overcrowd our prisons even more. Is this really the answer? How about cracking down on companies that hire illegals at lower wages and sealing up the border? How about going after the guys that ship the illegals here?


  • At 3/24/2006 7:02 PM, Blogger Joe said…

    Well congrats Thinker on your new venture. Stick with it for a while and you will likely find it to be rather enjoyable. Adding pictures will make it more interesting to others in my opinion.

    You know I hardly agree with any of your viewpoints, but I often enjoy your humor.

    BTW, going after companies that hire illegals is like blame the victim of a home burglary for have too many valuables.

    Good luck!

  • At 3/26/2006 8:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    Nice going thinker. Stay with it, if you have time, and it will blossom and grow quite nicely I believe.


  • At 4/06/2006 9:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I disagree with Buckwheat. Cut off the food supply and a stray dog will find another home. These people are just trying to survive. If the government truly wants to curtail illegal immigration, then they need to take the job opportunities out of the picture. I myself think the United States should just go ahead and annex Mexico. I know that's completely far fetched, but it's what I'd do lol.

  • At 4/18/2006 1:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    what about the children ?? what ever we do let us not make them pay the price of what the grown ups did


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