Thinker's Thoughts...

After a year-long hiatus, I've decided to bring this thing back to life. I'm looking for a few people who might be interested in contributing so that we can get a few different viewpoints on similar issues. On rare occasions people actually find a side to an issue even I haven't thought about! Anyone interested can feel free to shoot me an email and I'll set you up as a contributor.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

One of my kids could save the world one day...

I was reading an article on awhile back, I don't remember about what, but a part of it really stuck out to me and I started to research it some more.  Apparently, our planet can only support about 10 billion people.  Some scientists estimate we'll reach that sometime around 2050.  That's not that far away. Right now, there are more than 7 billion people in the world. When I was born, there were about 4.5 billion.

Humans are known for their adaptability and ingenuity. In the future and probably right now, brilliant scientists will be looking for a solution to this problem. So who knows? Maybe one of my kids,or maybe one of yours will be the genius that solves this problem.


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